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Protecting Your Keep-Warm and Keep-Cold Products
What's Important to Consider
Our temperature-stabilizing protective packaging reduces the risk that your product exceeds a specified temperature and/or is damaged by impact, before it reaches your customer.
R-value at 30F
Enabling Sustainability
Dimensional Accuracy
OPCORE-G R-value measured at 25F is 8-10% higher than when measured at 75F.
This means you can maintain temperature longer without increasing foam thickness.
OPCO, Inc. is committed to helping you enable ever-greater sustainability.
Our materials increase your capability to meet end-user environmental stewardship goals.
Proper cut & fit between panels can increase the insulation power.
That is why OPCO Rigid Foams are best.
Anchor Thermal Prot Pckg top

Thermal protective packaging solutions can be produced from high R-value OPCORE G, high recycle content Dalmatian OPCORE (shown) or standard OPCORE white EPS.
Our wide range of solutions enable one-stop-shop procurement.

Thermal and impact-resistant protective packaging for temperature-sensitive products
Boards cut to specified length, width, thickness, and tolerances
cut-outs, profile cuts
glued build-ups
multi-density laminates
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